The Call Of Your Soul Hunger: 10 Signs Your Soul Is Speaking To You.
Have you ever had a quiet, persistent feeling that something in your life needs to shift? On the surface, everything seems fine—you have a lot to be grateful for. Yet, deep inside, there’s an unsettled whisper calling you toward something more. You can’t explain it logically, but you feel it.
That’s your soul speaking to you.
Your soul doesn’t communicate in loud demands; it speaks in gentle nudges, inner restlessness, and moments of deep knowing. But in our fast-paced, stress-filled world, it’s easy to dismiss these signs as random thoughts or temporary emotions.
What if, instead of ignoring them, you learned to listen?
Recognizing the call of your soul is the first step in transforming stress, disconnection, and inner tension into clarity, peace, and purpose.
The Call of Your Soul – Are You Listening?
Here are ten signs that your soul is speaking to you—and what they’re inviting you to explore.
1. You Feel Restless or Dissatisfied
Even when life is objectively good, you sense that something is missing. A subtle unease lingers, making you question whether you’re truly fulfilled.
What your soul is saying: Restlessness isn’t just mental frustration; it’s a signal from your deeper self that something in your life is out of alignment. It’s an invitation to explore what truly lights you up beyond routine responsibilities and external expectations.
2. You’re Drawn to New Ideas and Perspectives
Books, conversations, or teachings that once seemed irrelevant now spark a deep interest. You find yourself craving wisdom about personal growth, mindfulness, spirituality, or self-discovery.
What your soul is saying: You’re expanding beyond old conditioning. Your soul is guiding you to deeper truths about who you are and what truly matters to you.
3. You Experience a Deep Longing for Meaning
You catch yourself wondering, Is this all there is? You feel an internal pull toward something greater—something beyond your daily to-do lists and external accomplishments. I explore this idea further in Soul Hunger: The Silent Epidemic of the 21st Century, where I share why so many people feel this way—even when life looks perfect on the outside.
What your soul is saying: This longing isn’t a problem; it’s a natural part of awakening. It’s calling you to uncover what gives your life purpose beyond external success.
4. You Feel Emotionally or Physically Drained
Despite getting enough sleep or taking care of yourself, you still feel exhausted or unmotivated. Stress or responsibilities weigh heavier than they used to.
What your soul is saying: Your energy depletion may be a sign that you’re not living in alignment with your authentic self. When we suppress our deeper desires or stay in situations that don’t nourish us, our body and nervous system bear the burden.
5. Synchronicities Keep Appearing
You start noticing meaningful coincidences—books, people, or opportunities show up at just the right time. The universe seems to be guiding you in subtle yet undeniable ways.
What your soul is saying: Pay attention. These synchronicities are gentle confirmations that you are being supported as you step toward your deeper path.
6. You Feel Disconnected From Yourself or Others
Even in a room full of people, you feel alone. Or maybe you struggle to feel fully present in your own life, going through the motions but sensing a deeper disconnection.
What your soul is saying: You may be experiencing disconnection stress, which arises when we lose touch with our inner wisdom, values, and authentic self. Your soul is nudging you to slow down and realign.
7. Your Old Ways of Coping No Longer Work
The distractions, habits, or routines that once numbed discomfort aren’t working anymore. Whether it’s overworking, overthinking, or emotional avoidance, these strategies no longer bring relief.
What your soul is saying: You’re ready to stop avoiding and start facing what truly needs your attention. Healing begins when you listen, not when you suppress.
8. You Crave More Solitude and Reflection
You find yourself withdrawing—not in avoidance, but in a desire to be alone with your thoughts. Deep down, you sense that something within you needs your attention.
What your soul is saying: Solitude isn’t isolation; it’s an opportunity to reconnect with yourself. Your soul is guiding you inward so you can hear its wisdom more clearly.
9. Your Intuition is Stronger Than Ever
You’re experiencing an inner knowing that doesn’t always make logical sense. Certain choices feel undeniably right—or wrong—even if you can’t explain why.
What your soul is saying: Your intuition is one of your soul’s primary languages. The more you trust it, the clearer your path will become.
10. You Sense That a Transformation is Unfolding
There’s an underlying feeling that you’re on the brink of something new. Even if it feels uncertain or uncomfortable, you can’t shake the sense that change is necessary.
What your soul is saying: Transformation often begins with uncertainty. Your soul is preparing you for growth, inviting you to step into a new chapter of your life.
What Happens Next?
If you recognize these signs, your soul is inviting you to listen. But listening isn’t passive—it requires intention.
Here are some ways to begin:
- Meditate or journal: Give your soul space to speak without distractions.
- Notice your body’s wisdom: Your nervous system holds valuable insights about what feels aligned.
- Take one small step: You don’t need all the answers—just a willingness to explore what resonates.
Your soul isn’t asking for more effort or achievement; it’s calling you home to yourself. The real journey isn’t outward but inward. Are you ready to listen?
Ready to Reconnect with Your Soul’s Calling?
I know from personal experience that living with greater vitality, connection, and purpose is possible.
If you need personal support, a roadmap and some tools, I’m here to help! Please reach out to schedule a free consultation to see if 1-1 coaching is a fit. I’d love to hear your story!
(Originally published May 6, 2020. Updated November 15, 2024).
Hello, Bev. I just happened to stumble upon this in my very recent, but seemingly very important and confusing to say the least, search for spiritual knowledge, I guess you could say. In childhood, I had a fear of possession, so immense it would keep me up and leave me speechless throughout the night. I was frightened to talk most nights. Fast forward: I decided I believed in nothing. I have stuck with that for many years. However recently, there have been some occurrences in my life that I have not been able to explain. I am a seeker of knowledge and will do anything I can to understand something and make sense of it. It is who I am innately without effort (because I promise it would be much easier to not). I have spent my life dedicated to helping others and have always been called to it. I’ve always believed that the mind has expansions beyond what we know. I do believe that some people have reached the point of that expansion though. I never gave it much thought until tonight really, but the number 3 has always been significant to me. And the experiences I have been having lately have coincidentally been at the age of 33. I have talked with people and sought understanding, answers, researched, everything. I have always felt a higher acclimation to a sense of purpose and responsibility for “true good” and trying to bring that out in people. I have recently been told by a few individuals that are much more keen to a “spiritual” side than I, that they believe I have a gift of sorts. I’ve known from a young age I could talk to people in a different way than others. I’ve known that should I have chosen to in so many scenarios, I could manipulate others to “get what I want,” but I have always been successful in fighting off the actions themselves. I develop deeper bonds with people and build stronger connections without the intentions to do so, than any other person I have ever encountered. I know I have helped people, without a doubt, but no matter how much I help, it feels like it’s not enough or that it’s not the right way to help, or that I am capable of inciting much more change. All that being said (And yes, I know I was everywhere), I feel that I have a much higher purpose and have always felt that even in a room full of people, I had and have the power to create change with a higher intensity than others. I hope that doesn’t come off as pompous, because I know there are more intelligent and stronger individuals than I, but I feel that I can actually help in a different way that others just cannot do. I’ve felt a responsibility to help my entire life and find myself completely drained of worth, filled with all the things I have gathered from individuals of all walks of life, young and old, healthy and dying, and it often leaves me, for lack of better terms, hopeless, anxious, and exhausted, but completely void of emotion. In my youth I practiced stoicism and that carried throughout much of my life, with very few exceptions. I apologize for the lengthy comment, and I know it has little to do with above criteria and writings, but I cannot shake the thought that something is happening within me, on a deeper level than I know. I’ve never truly “known” myself, but I realize now after years, that in order to help others the way that I feel I need to, I have to find out who I am and what I am truly capable of. I seek guidance and not answers, because I know I will have to find the answers for myself, in some way. I am sorry to trouble you with this, but should you find it the least bit intriguing or have a piece of knowledge to share, I would certainly appreciate it and do my best to understand. Thank you, Bev.
Hi Kyle,
Thanks so much for sharing your insights with us! It sounds like you have an inner knowing that your next step is to understand yourself, and that makes a great deal of sense with what you’ve expressed. When folks have a desire to help others, it can arise from the deeper call of their soul and/or it may arise from their personality (ego) which leaves people feeling drained. If you’re not familiar with the Enneagram psycho-spiritual map it may be helpful for you to explore that futher. It will help you understand yourself – both your gifts and blindspots. I wish you all the very best on your self-discovery journey! Love, Bev.
Hi Bev,
I am going through the awakening experience and I am finding it impossible to let go of my family and my current profession (which I enjoy and it gives me financial stability). I have two beautiful kids, one of them is just 2 year old and the other one a teenager. How would I ever be able to explain to them why I left them behind. would it not be so selfish of me to not take care of them..I don’t know if it is my insecurity but i feel if I don’t let go of my husband, it could put his life in it just a fear within me as I lost my father when I was 20..
It tries to give me all kind of reasons to make these changes to my life but these changes are scary as basically I have to start from scratch.. it makes me believe that this is due to some karma I need to settle..does any of this makes sense to you?
Hi Sandeep,
Thanks for sharing with us here about your awakening journey. My sense is that you may be confused about what your awakening journey is asking of you. Awakening is about discerning the difference between our conditoned, fearful personality/conditioning and our expansive, loving soul. If you notice that you enjoy your profession and it gives you financial security (which is important) why do you believe you need to leave it and your beautiful children? You mentioned “insecurity” and that arises from your conditioned personality. Before proceeding with big changes, it would be wise for you to explore these insecurities and your personality structure through the Enneagram of personality. In that way you’ll be better able to discern the different energies inside of you and where they’re arising from. Love,Bev.
Thank you for the wonderful article, I am in the midst of this awakening process so it’s been very helpful.
I would love to hear from you if possible for you to email me, as I am so lost and confused at the moment.
Thank you again!
Hi Brad,
I’m glad you found the article helpful for this challenging time. Please email me at [email protected] to explore how I can best support you! Love, Bev
I feel Nicholas (from May 2023) the most, as my story is similar to his. I have ZERO desire to do anything, but I’m not as deep into the healing journey as Nicholas, but I’m trying. It’s so hard.
Hi Anthony,
I’m glad that Nicholas’s story resonated with you! The healing journey is hard but so worthwhile. You are not alone! Love, Bev.
Hello my name is Charessa. I’m going through something to where I feel as of my soul is wanting to be somewhere totally different than the situation that im in. I feel like all the years that I’ve been living has been a lie to myself. I clearly know what I want in my life but I’m afraid to take that big risk because it might make people stop talking to me. But I know I see angel numbers. My frequency is getting higher to where the noises are getting louder as I speak. But I really wanna know what should I do if I’m a chosen one by God? Should I take that risks that I been wanting to take for years now or keep going in repeated cycles ?
Hi Charessa,
Thanks so much for sharing with us here! I hear from many folks who know what they want but fear moving forward, so they feel stuck. It sounds like your inner wisdom knows the answer to your question about whether you should move forward. I believe we’re here in earth school to break the repeated cycles, so I applaud your courage to take the first step – even if it’s a baby step! Love, Bev.
Hi, I am Nicolas, I realised that I have limited myself for many years. People around me could not handle my energies so they told me to calm down scenes I was child. After long time in meditation and self love I am able to understand my self and realised that I am born with intense energy and capable of doing great things. The moment I realised and decided to use my potential I lost desires. Now I don’t know what I truly want, but I am not depressed or disappointed, instead I am at Peace and Tranquility. I am ready for quantum leaps but I am still. I enjoy my life I am happy I am at peace, yet all my desires are gone. I know if I desire anything with my heart I will manifest it. Now I have potential to make things work for me but I have no desire. Can you guide me.
Hi Nicolas,
Thanks for opening the discussion about desires. I’m so glad to hear that you feel peaceful and tranquil. Desires are interesting energy, and it’s essential to discern whether they arise from our personality (ego) structure or our deeper self-soul desires. When we settle the endless chasing of our ego’s desires and create space to quiet our minds and nervous systems, our deeper desires arise. It sounds like you’re in a place to begin receiving messages about the deeper desires of your soul and what is meant to emerge through you. Perhaps, in meditation, begin to ask, What are my soul’s desires? Love, Bev
I just turned 18 the day before yesterday. It’s not the feeling i realised now but a long while ago. I feel I’m destined to do something great in fact, to discover something great which is the biggest secret behind everything in this world. But I don’t know where to start what to do. I know people will certainly laugh at me if I say this to someone. Moreover I’m an introvert. So i don’t think I can bring myself to say this out to someone. Thanks for reading this comment. – Celina Sophia.
Hi Celine,
Happy 18th birthday! We’re so glad you shared with us here! Love, Bev
Just found this article as a result of the daily boundless array of thoughts and questions regarding my awakening, for which I am always researching and seeking answers to. It never seems to end! Lol…but I wouldn’t have it any other way and I’m grateful for it. Thank you for giving people like me a place to say, yes, I believe I am being called not just to awakening, but to help others with or to start awakening as well. I have wrestled so much with this idea, that I know I in no way put into my own head, because if anyone had told me just a few years ago that I would soon believe I had a calling to become a Spiritual Coach, my knees would surely have buckled with laughter. But, that is just what I believe I am being led to do at this point in my life, and I have grappled back and forth with reassurance and doubt about it for almost a year now. Mainly because I don’t feel equipped to do it despite all my learning a gained knowledge that pours out of me whenever a situation arises and the the higher realm slaps me on the back and says, “Well…have at it. This is your moment…go get ‘em, tiger!”. I know I’m supposed to trust that the guidance will be there, but I don’t know how to get over my ambivalence, especially when I compare myself to other practitioners who are so much more experienced and advanced than me. My fear is that I’ll start my business and then wind up feeling like an imposter. And, I would never want to find myself feeling that way. But, I most certainly do feel called to be of a “higher” service to others ever since my awakening really became apparent. Thank you for reading, it feels very cathartic to finally get this out : ) With Blessings and Gratitude – Valyrie
Hi Valyrie,
I am so thrilled to hear that you are saying “yes” to that part of you that’s calling you to use your awakening journey to serve others! Having fear is so normal because it IS scary to put yourself out there and follow your calling when you don’t know how it will all turn out. I also compare myself to others and feel like an “imposter” at times. I’ve come to trust that my higher self needs me to move through the fear (with kindness) and bring forth what is mine to create, regardless of the outcome. I didn’t know how this blog would turn out, and I’m so grateful I overcame the fear of sharing my heart and soul because I’ve met soul friends like you! So yes, become the Spiritual Coach to be of service and share the gifts and wisdom you’ve gained from your journey! I’ll be cheering you on! Love, Bev.
Hi bev
It was a great article.I think I read this at the right time cause I feel like I was towards the end of my transition period. Whatever you explained made true sense.
I would like to add point from my side.. understanding our soul , goes a long way..
Would love to collaborate with you
I’m glad you read the article at the right time. I always love to collaborate. Please reach out!
I just read this article, I turned 55 March 12, 2023 and I am experiencing and going through all of this. My experiences are more and more each day that goes by. I feel confused and lost.
Hi Marlene. You are not alone! Be kind and gentle with yourself. Love, Bev
I guess I am here as I feel there is more to things in this world and ourselves but can’t seem to make sense or get clarity but would love some guidance or go speak to someone.
Hi Ben,
Many folks, including myself, have found it challenging to get clarity. Please email me if you’d like to book a session with me. Love, Bev.
I came to this article because i feel so confused in my life, i’m a family nurse practitioner and im very successful at what I do, i’m well established in my career, I have 2 kids age 3 and 11 and i’m married. Im a wife, mother daughter sister and so many roles. I’m even promoted in new position in my careerbut im not satisfied. I feel like I have a purpose in life far greater but I don’t know what it is, I want to do something in life but not sure what it is that needs to be done. Sometimes I want to leave go travel to poor countries and help others without ever wanting anything in return but I don’t know how especially when I have so many other roles that I need to fulfilled. Financially I feel I have accomplished a lot yet spiritually I feel very empty. When I work with geriatric population and I witness how lonely some of my patients are I feel something needs to be done. When I was a floor nurse and I used to work with pediatric population and used to witness those dcfs children had been abused by their own caretaker in their community I used to feel so sad and frustrated with the system. I need to advocate for those who can’t advocate for themselves I need to be voice for those who can’t quiet voice for themselves, I need to do something for my those who the most vulnerable. I hope I get there one day to meet my inner self and do something to satisfy the soul.
Hi Summer,
Thanks for sharing with us here to shine a light on what I and others can relate to – that you have accomplished a lot financially but spiritually feel empty. I can hear in your words that your soul or deeper self is inviting you to be of service in a way that aligns with your gifts and desire to lessen the suffering of others. That is beautiful!!! I would love to encourage you to find the courage to step in that direction because I believe your purpose will reveal itself when you do. Please email me at [email protected] if you’d like support to move in that direction. With love and gratitude for the difference you’re already making, Bev.
Dear Bev,
I’ve began my spiritual journey since summer 2022. I was told maybe a week or two ago that my abilities are accelerating & that it’s better to practice with others. Thing is, I do it on my own time and if I feel like I need a break I still pray and thank God and the Universe…
It’s 1:30am currently… What I thought was supposed to be a dream.. was actually real and it is to my belief that I met my husbands soul who is really innocent and opposite of who he currently is. In this “dream” it was as if I was watching my husband and I’s soul, but I had both third person and first person point of view (weird I know). At the time I didn’t know it was he and I… he kept asking to help him remind his wife of love of his life who they are together. He knows who she is, but he’s missing a lot. Like her name. She also doesn’t remember him but during this “dream” I kept asking “do you love her? You sure you want her? Are you sure this is her? Will you do anything for her? Do you remember who she is? Do you love her?” Everything was yes. Long story short I ended up realizing I saw memories & I knew him for 3 different life time.
I used to think … I mean originally my true intensions was to enter spirituality to seek through my past to move on from the present to the future. Now, I’m confused. After discovering my husbands soul was trying to protect me, but wanting to keep me and want to restore our memories as spirits …. I don’t know who I truly am.
I know you may be busy, so I would like to say in advance I appreciate your response. If not, then I believe you seeing this on a different time or day would have meant the Divine timing isn’t ready. I look forward to your response.
Hi there!
Thank you so much for sharing with us here! As I was reflecting on what you’ve shared, one statement jumped out at me – “I don’t know who I truly am.” That is always the place to start on the spiritual journey. What does that mean? It means we need to first understand our small selves (personality/ego) and develop a healthy relationship with ourselves that is based on self-understanding, self-love and working with our thoughts, emotions and bodies in healthy ways. I hope that makes sense! Much love, Bev.
Dear Be,
I’m so pleased I came across your article. Thank you for posting it.
I’m on a path of an accelerated spiritual rebirth, soul awakening journey. It started a few months back and it’s non stop, as if I’m pushed into that direction that was meant for me from the day I was born, it’s just I didn’t realise it
I’ve always been drawn to the mystical, Eastern religions, Buddhism etc… But I never practiced it till I was suddenly thrown by the universe in that direction a few months back.
Lately I’m experiencing something that I can explain, it happened 3 times in the last 10 days. The feeling would come suddenly during/after cacao ceremonies or offer meditation.
I would get an overwhelming feeling as if I’m missing my body (I’m as in I’m a soul that’s in my body), as if I’m to leave my body and I’m going to miss it. It’s a very strong feeling that makes me a feel a bit sad. I have an urge to touch my skin as if not to forget how it felt when I leave (soul). Like I’m really going to miss Ana. It last a few minutes at times
I spoke to one of my spiritual teacher but they have not experienced anything like that or heard of the similar, but they’ve said it might be out of body experience.
What are your thoughts?
Thank you.
Kind regards.
Hi Ana,
Thank you for sharing with us here! It sounds like your awakening is mystical/energetic in nature. My journey has been less energetic although I have had experiences in meditation that are similar to what you’ve described. I really can’t explain what it may be pointing to or meaning. Are you familiar with the book, When Spirit Leaps: Navigating the Process of Spiritual Awakening by Bonnie Greenwell? It may be helpful! Much love, Bev.
Hello Bev,
I’ve read through two of your articles & feeling some clarity & comfort in your words. Thank you so much for sharing. You have a way with words that helps me to digest and reflect.
I just wanted to share some words and wondered what your thoughts are?
I’ve had a calling to explore coaching over the past year and recently received a certification as a Jungian Life Coach and that was when I started to be more curious about the spiritual world. I really feel my soul is trying to speak with me and it wants to express itself but my ego is terrified.
I am currently working as a Therapist within the educational system, but I feel like I’m meant for more. I feel trapped & afraid that I won’t survive financially if I leave my job. Although at the same time I do love my job & spending time with the children & making a difference, the admin drains my energy. There’s dread when it comes to it. Especially when I have a business where I could be self sufficient if I gave it my all. But I don’t necessarily have the belief in myself whole heartedly that I can do this right now. I’ve had some clients trickle in but I feel slowed down. There is self-doubt, fear & shame lingering within me. I know these emotions is what I need to work through to truly be free & I find I’m chipping away at it slowly.
I’ve recently had thoughts about just leaving this job and consider working another role, even if it’s lower income. It’s quite complex as I’d have to move my whole life as I’m an expat.
I’m in two minds, and I am at that point you described as doing what my soul wants vs doing what I think I “should be” doing. If I shift my energy away from what I should be doing, I’m absolutely terrified of the outcome.
Any words of wisdom for someone like me? Thank you so much for taking the time to read.
Hi Danielle,
That is so fantastic that you’ve had a calling to explore coaching and certification as a Jungian Life Coach sounds like it’s such a great fit for you! I’m glad to hear you’re chipping away at the “self-doubt, fear and shame” that’s lingering and may be holding you back. It truly is about creating meaning around what’s holding us back so we’re free to align with the courage to honour what’s calling us forward.
It’s really understandable that you have fear about letting go of what you’re currently doing to move into the unknown. I know A LOT of people can relate to this. It also sounds like there are aspects of your current job that are meaningful and fulfilling for you, although you have a deeper sense of the coaching that’s calling you forward. It seems that you could use some guidance from someone who’s made the transition while balancing your practical financial needs. I was fortunate in that I had financial security when I felt called to follow my soul. Perhaps ask that the Universe help you in meeting someone who can guide/support you in practically managing your next steps. Much love and courage for your journey! Bev
Hi my name is geo and I’m 21 I’m leaving this comment because I don’t understand what my next choice should be… I think to myself a lot and I have grouped my human experience in life in 3 .. the mind body and soul .. my mind is all the knowledge I have learned since I was born feelings emotions ect….my body is just that the human body same as anyone else that will read this comment … and my soul which I know nothing about … I have had a hard time living due to the fact that I have a feeling I don’t have to cling to life since I am contempt with the experiences I have been through… my family and friends do not understand when I say I want to leave my body… they think of it as personal harm but I feel as if my soul mind and body are 1 ….. I don’t know what the truth is but the concept of the truth just is…. Everyone must die one day and that is true should I fear death or fear leaving my body on my own accord ? I just want to seek the truth lately I’ve been feeling sad for all humans on what direction we are headed I feel bad for the earth for how we humans treat it and I wish I could experience life through the eyes of many animals as well as different humans … Im catching myself ramble and it’s hard for me to stay on topic but my thoughts make me wonder if life is one topic and should I value any one topic above the other I have many other questions I hope you respond peace and love to all humans and non humans lol
Hi Geo,
Thanks so much for sharing with us here! I too view myself as having a body, mind and soul. I believe our body is a vessel through which our soul gets expressed. Our responsibility as human beings is to be fully present in our bodies as they provide a great deal of wisdom on our path in life. Our gut, heart and minds all provide sources of wisdom and that means we need to learn how to be connected to them in healthy ways. We then use our healthy bodies, open hearts and wise minds to be of service in some way to something greater than ourselves. You mentioned that you felt sad about the direction that humans are taking. Is there some way you can be of service to make a difference? When the soul awakens it feels called to be of service and it’s interesting to wonder whether that is what is happening in your life. Much love, Bev
Hello Ma’am, very nice article. Your list reminded me of my spouse. Could the call of my soul be the call of my spouse?
I get confused about the difference between our soul and what we perceive as ourselves. Is there really two people in our heads? If my soul has lived in many different bodies then which does it identify with in the spirit world? People are under the impression that you will still look like whatever image you had at death when you are on the other side. So is my soul a separate entity that looks like nothing but energy on the other side? I have lots of past life epiphanies and just have a general knowing of my past lives but i do not have any direct memories. Were we supposed to remember our lives as we switched from one body to the next? People wouldn’t be so afraid of death if we could remember all our past life stuff. We would evolve faster and learn from our mistakes quicker. I have a deep feeling that something happened and our dna was screwed with at some point. Also, does our soul inhabit our subconscious mind? During Quantum Hypnosis sessions , the therapist talks to the patients higher self. Ive seen them ask questions about what is causing different health problems and they answer on behalf of the person but through them. For example, therapist asks the hypnitised person what could be causing their liver failure as a last ditch effort to get out of needing liver transplant. The patient has no idea, but the higher self comes through and says, “she is taking a pain medication with tylenol that is causing her problems “. Would that be her subconscious talking? Also, sometimes other entities come in and talk. Are they just utilizing the subconscious?
Hi Jeff,
Thanks for your comment and all the deep and insightful questions. It’s interesting that I write a lot about the soul and yet I have a hard time understanding what it really means from an intellectual perspective. This has been challenging for me for sure after spending many years as a nurse with a foundation in science and the physical body. My views about the soul come from my own experience of awakening and how I’ve created meaning around it. This curiosity has led me to explore Esoteric Philosophy and the Enneagram which is a huge body of wisdom that feels true based on my experience. It’s nice to be on this journey with other curious souls! Love, Bev.
Hey, I’m very young I just turned 16 yesterday. but I’ve noticed all of these things happening to me. Lately I’ve feel like there’s more than just my body and I can distinguish my soul from my body. my body this human is just human I make mistakes I’m not grown and I do dumb things because I’m just a human but my soul I deeply feel it and it’s this “wise” version of me. I feel really deep connection with my soul and it makes me frustrated because I can’t talk about this kind off stuff with no one because no one I know understands when I tell them how I see, think, and feel my soul. I relate to every part of this and today I felt really deeply connected with my soul so I search it from the internet and I’m more than happy that I found this. thank you sm for this! I want to tell you about what happened with me few weeks ago. I was talking about deep things about life and souls with my mom and suddenly I felt like flying I can’t describe it but I was somewhere else than here for a couple seconds . When I realised something is happening to me I asked my mom what’s happening and said I don’t feel real at all. That feeling could be described like smoking weed but then not because it was something I can’t describe and I don’t understand. after the feeling stopped my mom told me she saw from my eyes how I was like not here for a couple seconds. And suddenly I felt a positive wave trough my body I couldn’t stop smiling I felt so happy and then I started crying from happiness because I realised it was something telling me I’m here for a reason and all these positive feelings lastes for about 2 minutes. My mom and grandma have thought and tell me they somehow see I have something that not everyone realise they have and they can see it trough me and how I talk about deep stuff. I really would appreciate if you had time to answer me because i’m living with this daily by now and I never want to loose it! I haven’t never been more sure about anything than this. It shocked me when I read this because I just really deeply relate all those 10 things<3! I’m Waiting your answer just if you have time to read this it’s really important thing to me !
Hi Iida,
Thanks so much for sharing with us here! Happy 16th birthday to you!!! I’m so glad that this article resonated with you and that’s truly inspiring that at 16 you could relate to all 10 of what I shared. I’m so grateful to hear that your mom and grandma can see your gifts and that you can share what you’re experiencing with them. It’s also interesting that I was reading the other day about children/teenagers who are awakening to their Souls at younger and younger ages. For me, it didn’t begin until I was in middle age so you are amongst a new group of young people who are here for a reason! As you say, it can be challenging because others may not understand, and yet you are definitely not alone. I’m attaching an article I read called “Children Who Lead.” on a website of the authors who wrote When the Soul Awakens. In terms of you never wanting to as you say,”lose it” I just want to reassure you that you won’t lose it. It’s natural on the path to fluctuate in terms of how connected or disconnected we feel and that’s just part of the journey. If you haven’t already, you may find it helpful to keep a journal with your experiences and insights. There is no doubt you’re here for a reason and with patience, the reason will slowly and gradually be revealed to you. Much love, Bev.
So challenging in an unbalanced marriage to experience the soul awakening. My spouse does not understand anything I am going through with this. He is buried in material things and worries about material things. Cant even enjoy grandkids with him around. He always looks irritated. My challenge is to allow my awakening and ride with it and try to not let his negativity bring me down.
Hi Selena,
Yes, I can really relate to what you’re saying about the challenges that arise when we awaken within a relationship. Looking back it was a very difficult time and I now know that it was also very difficult for my husband because he also couldn’t understand and was fearful about what it all meant. I would say our relationship also needed to be transformed (or lovingly released) and that was not easy as we shifted from a traditional marriage to a spiritual marriage. We’re now on the other side and it was worth the struggle! Much love on your journey, Bev.
Hello,have been having these ten feelings and I would really want to know how I should find my soul .
Am going through everything explained here.
Thank you for the article. I’ve been feeling so out of sorts starting in March 2020 and over the last few months it’s gotten worse. I honestly just feel out of place and like I don’t fit in anywhere. I find myself seeking spiritual information now more than ever to help find answers.
Hi Stephanie,
I’m glad you found the article and please know that many can relate to what you’re sharing. This inner restlessness and feeling our of sorts is an invitation to begin the journey of self-discovery. I’m curious… where are you turning to for spiritual information? Love, Bev
My soul is definitely going to great lengths. I feel out of control at times. Like my soul is just tugging me along whether I want to or not and I’m playing catch up. It feels like I’m lagging and when I catch up to it I don’t feel so out of control. Almost like I’m being controlled but it’s feeling more natural.
One fine day, Around 2 years ago, I had an experience while meditating. When I felt like my mind is realizing one thing, that my soul is the master of my mind, along with my complete body. And still my mind is troubling the soul for so many years and keeping my soul away from its destined state of happiness. The motive for which my soul (the master) has chosen this body is the state of blissful ness, but some how my mind is not allowing to happen it. Since the day I experienced this, my life changed, and I started thinking in very different way during every situation in my life. Of coz it was a good change. But since then I am experiencing tremendous unpractical thoughts, like I just want to repay for my bad deeds till now by helping needy people and don’t want to expect anything more than the cheer of happiness. Which is totally contradictory to my very ambitious nature I had since childhood. Am I going on the correct path?
Hi there!
Thanks so much for sharing with us here! My sense is that you’re sharing what happens when we awaken to the realization that we all have within us a “dual” nature. We have our personality and we have our essence. This explains the part of you that is ambitious (personality) that began developing in childhood and your essence which is aligned with your soul. When the soul awakens, there is an inner knowing that we’re meant to be of service to something larger than ourselves- thus you feel a need to help others knowing that this will bring you “the cheer of happiness” as you so beautifully said. As a result of our dual nature, we often feel a split or divide within us that feel like conflicting energies. The intention is to use our personality in service of our soul. This is what awakening is all about. Follow your deeper knowing aligned with your soul and you’ll be on the correct path. Love, Bev
Comment: Hello there!
I am looking for guidance or a spiritual teacher.
I don’t know if you can help me or not but here goes:
My name is MaryAnn and I am 55; married and the Mother of 17 year old g/b twins. I have been battling one addiction or another most of my life. The last year or so hit me hard and my alcoholism really kicked into high gear. Basically, I was killing my self! I was on death row. I’ve been in and out of 4 treatment centers since September of 2020. Just couldn’t stop my destructive behavior to literally save my life!
Finally, during my latest attempt (I was in Knoxville for about 4 months) something miraculous happened! In working the 12steps and a lot of soul searching, I had a moment….one very profound moment! My mind/ego looked down towards my heart and plugged into my SOUL, my ESSENCE and I recognized my SELF! I felt the presence with all my heart! I told my soul that I was so sorry! I wasn’t taking care of ME! It was ME the whole time! I was the one I had been looking for! And I was there the whole time. Just patiently, lovingly, waiting for me to notice and waiting with no anger or judgement what so ever! Immediately, I had a shift in consciousness and my entire life made total sense to me. I feel such peace now and have just celebrated 168 days of sobriety! I’m telling you this because no one seems to understand how blown away I am by this gift! When I share it with a friend or in AA, I feel that they just think I’m a little out there! HaHa! Needless to say, I would love to find like minded people who may have had a similar experience and can give me some guidance.
Anyway, I’m in Chattanooga and I just thought I would put this out into the Universe.
Thank you for taking the time to read this.
Hi MaryAnn,
Thank you for sharing your profound experience of connecting with your deeper self with us. What a gift that you had a moment of connecting with your essence and could sense the truth about who you are beyond your addictions. I’m sure that your story will provide hope to others who can relate to your journey.
Congratulations on 168 days of sobriety! That is huge and I’m so glad that you’ve put it out into the Universe. Thank you!
You articulated so beautifully how moments of grace happen when we’re open and approach our struggles with self-compassion and love.
You had asked for some guidance. What would you like guidance about?
I’m so inspired to hear your story and deeply grateful to hear that you feel such peace. Much love to you, Bev
Yes I had a similar experience
maam is soul awakening related to Dharma.
Great question! I wonder if you would share what you mean by Dharma? There are so many different meanings out there! I look forward to hearing your understanding of it and then I’d be happy to respond. Bev
By simply reading this (and every link available) I’m fighting tears. I’ve felt so empty and while I’ll never stop trying to better myself in every way (for myself and my family) my brain is battling me every step of the way. With every ounce of my being I want to be better, connect to myself and whatever higher purpose I’ve always felt drawn to. I desperately want to love myself And be at peace. Next to raising children retraining my diagnosed major depressive brain is the hardest thing I’ve ever done.
Thank you so much for your heartfelt reflection. You are not alone in the challenges you have with your thoughts. The key is really to make friends with our thoughts and bring loving awareness to them. When we practice that we learn to differentiate between our repetitive, habitual thoughts and our higher thoughts that are arising from our soul. Do you have any practices like mindfulness, that help you with this? Much love, Bev.
Thank you so much Bev for this beautiful article, every one of the10 signs you mentioned is happening to me and has been happening for a long time now. I understand the universal love and oneness concept, but I want to experience it experientially, my deepest seeking is to experience the ultimate (I don’t want to box it as God or anything) The journey for me has been a long and lonely one as no one around me understand this, and have been trying to dampen and label. I feel complete physically and emotionally and blissed out most of the time, but the mundane responsibilities of life and my children are final straws of attachment that I think prevent me from total surrender. Nothing material makes sense, I have an inner calling, I just want the divine. How do I deal with this, stay where I am, do my mundane things and yet let my divine take over? Thank you so much.
Hi Amy,
I’m so glad to hear that this article resonated with you! What you described is one of our greatest challenges- being grounded in our day-to-day lives with what often feels “mundane” while being open to mystery and the realization that we are connected to something much bigger than ourselves. I noticed within myself that there was a period of time that I have used spirituality as a source of almost distraction and avoidance from dealing with my daily responsibilities. That seems to be a phase in the awakening journey- a step towards developing what is sometimes called a grounded spirituality where our day-to-day stuff and struggles become our path. We learn to be more present in our lives and view everything as sacred. We find beauty in mundane things. We create space for both! Much love, Bev.
It is a craving a spiritual one that needs to be fulfilled I am not sure how to nourish this spiritual hunger. I have dwelling in my soul it has been there for many years perhaps past lives ,I may have been feeding my soul.
I am convinced without any lingering
doubt that my spirit will be nourished
Everyone is off doing their own thing
my best friend says I overthink things
I prefer the term meditation. People
dont want to explore their inner
selves . When we do we might discover things we may not want to
Hi Beverly
I have had this feeling for quite some time,that my soul is calling me to a higher purpose.
That I indeed have a higher calling in life and it regards
people .I know I have felt its pull for quite some time.I believe that I was put on this planet to
make a difference .My soul has told me this.I am suffering from financial setbacks no matter I still feel this strong energy .
Hi Mary,
Yes, many people have this inner call to a higher purpose. It’s such a beautiful journey when we respond to the call. Much love, Bev
Sometimes it feels to me like I have spent my entire live trying to find some reason that I shouldn’t do, be and live from that place that I knew was home from the time I was a child. It doesn’t feel like discovering something new so much as simply opening and not being afraid even if it is not how so many people including so many loved ones see things. Maybe the denial and doing all the rest was needed to open my heart to deeper compassion and understanding? From that place I can be of most help perhaps. Does that make sense?
Hi Samantha,
Thanks for your beautiful reflection! I love how you expressed that it doesn’t feel like “something new” rather it’s an “opening and not being afraid.” That feels very true for me and resonates with my unfolding as well. It’s also so wise and insightful that you connected this with opening our hearts to deeper compassion and understanding. I also so appreciate how you shared that this way of being enables us to help from a place of love. Wow, that is very moving and touches my heart and soul. It makes so much sense and I’m deeply grateful that you shared this message that arose from your soul with us. Thank you and much love, Bev
Everything i just read in this article is exactly what im going through. It is very confusing I almost feel like im crazy trying to explain it to the people that are closes to me. It definitely feels good and i crave for knowledge
Thanks for your comment, Todd. It is a very confusing time for sure! I’ve learned that the Universe makes it that way as it challenges us to develop a new way of being in life. In my own life, I found that the craving for knowledge was really about my need to create meaning around what was happening to/for me. I was trying to explain and understand something I hadn’t experienced before. I’m glad to hear this feels good for you! Much love, Bev.
Thankyou for a great post , I feel excited very excited . My soul is awakening .
You’re so very welcome! What a gift to know that your soul is awakening!
Yes ma’am, i read the ten things, and right now in my current state i’m 10 out of 10. I’ve always wondered why me, why don’t I have the ability to screw people over why cant I do the spiteful things my ex’s do? since my teenager years i knew i had a purpose. the way I’m allowed and present at times. when all who around me listen when i speak what i like to call the “truth”. Although i am a drug addict, I’ve never been much a person to cause harm or take from others too feed my addiction. a few years back i went through a divorce, and at that moment I felt like my soul left me. where did it go? my family and friends all said i became something that i wasn’t never before. for a lack of better words i was a very mean dick lol. but at the very moment folks would have considered me a lost cause a wonderful surprise came about. never the less my soul returned. my love for a greater power or as i like to call him/her God, has always been in my heart, i want to show this world love like he loves me. I’m on this journey, (heading unknown), to seek lost souls and teach them about compassion loyalty faith and karma. any suggestions thanks “real nigha talk Ray Pruitt” thanks for the info also.
Hi Christopher- You’re so welcome for the article. I’m so inspired to hear about the time in your life when you reconnected with your soul. It sounds like you have a deep inner knowing that you’re here for a “purpose” and that all you’ve been through has been in service of that. I’m also on this journey with you to an unknown destination. I do know that it will slowly reveal itself to me (and you) when the time is right and I’ll work on being present in order to be aware of it and receive the messages. You asked for a suggestion- cultivate your ability to be “present” whether that’s through meditation and mindfulness or something else. Much love to you! Bev
Madam,I want talk to my Mother’s soul who expired on 1st November 2020,she had a cardiac arrest suddenly unexpectedly,there are certain things I want to ask her,I am really depressed,please help.A humble request.I am from Mumbai,India.
Hi Hermant- I am so very sorry to hear about the sudden death of your Mom. It is so painful when someone dies and when it’s unexpected and we had things we might like to have said it is extremely painful. My heart really goes out to you! Although I have found my own way to connect with loved ones who have died, I am not the best person to provide guidance and support around this. I have, however, learned a lot from Suzanne Giesemann who has a lot of resources and books that are very helpful for many people. Here is a link to her website: I’m sending you much love for your healing journey! Love, Bev
I listen to my soul and it’s tired, so tired, all it wants to do is leave this world. I’ve looked and looked beyond the material plain that used to satisfy it – but there’s nothing else there. Seems to me that all to be experienced in this form is of the 5 senses and i’ve exhausted possibility, there is nothing new. How oh how do i set my soul free to carry on growing and be happy again ?
Hi Justin- thank you for sharing and for the powerful questions you asked! The thing that popped into my heart when I read your post is that you are at a turning point. Just when we’re feeling most lost- it is the beginning of finding ourselves in a new way. What I have found is that it is often our limited ego-based sense of self that is tired and needs to take up less space in our lives so as to honour the soul’s need for growth and expansion. When we’ve exhausted the possibility of our 5 senses is when we are being called to a deeper experience of presence in order to connect with meaning, growth and deeper happiness. Wayne Dyer explores this in his documentary “The Shift.” You could access the link to that on the resource page on my website. It is also helpful to have a guide and support during this time of transition. Much love to you! Bev
Great read! Staying in tune with urself, your soul, your authentic self is hard work as many women have many roles to fill. Once lost and not practiced daily its so hard to find your way back. I have always felt calm inside and in control of feelings, tho after many years of mothering and working paid employment its taken a while to reawaken my inner joys. What makes me thrive! Its a true enjoyment to be true to myself! Thanks so much for this article and the support your words provide!
Hi Sharon! Yes, it is SO very true that it often happens that women lose touch with themselves as we move through life fulfilling our many roles. I have certainly found that in my own life. I’m so humbled to hear that this post resonated with you and that it has provided support for your journey. Thank you!
I’m lost. I met a man about the same time this all started happening to me. We are connected. We both know this. But it’s not that easy. It’s painful and I don’t want these feelings anymore. I’m trying to listen to my soul, but the only thing coming through are thoughts of him. I’ve googled to try and figure out what is happening to me. And I found this. Ignorance was bliss. I want it back.
Hi Jennifer! I’m sorry to hear that you’re feeling lost! I know how hard that can be and I also know that feeling of wanting to go back to “sleep” and as you say “ignorance was bliss.” Having gone through that and come out the other side I know it’s hard AND it’s also the most liberating and freeing feeling in the world. I remember all too well the wish to “go back” and then that quiet, wise voice inside me gently reminding me that I can only go forward. I’m so glad I went forward. Much love to you! Bev
Wow how true, i am so happy inside to know that what you have written about the souls, I have always known something is not quit right, it does feel like everything just about you have talked about is what is going on with me
I have been told on a few occasions that i am here from a past life and that the man who follows me is indebted to me for saving his life in the past,i have seen him and can describe him so well but i get scared because i know there is more to this life and i do feel that someone close to me is doing me wrong and they are evil its like the dark side and its a bit scary,just had to share this as i do really want to tap more into my soul as i know there are so many beautiful things in this world to see and feel and after reading this i felt so connected to what you have said and it is amazing.
Hi Robyn- Thanks for sharing! I’m delighted to hear that this post resonated with you and that it has inspired you to continue to connect with your soul and your deepest truths. Love, Bev
Thankyou for taking the time to write such a beautiful artical it brings me inner peace. I would love to read more. ? ?
Hi Laura- thank you so very much for your heartfelt comment. Knowing that it brought you some inner peace, warms my heart! If you’d like to read more, perhaps my book would be an inspiring place to start. Here’s a link to learn more about it: Love, Bev
Hi Bev,
This really resonates with me I have this strange calling almost mystical sense and I have not been able to put my finger on it .
I don’t know what to do now though to tap into it
Hi Rosi! I’m glad to hear this post resonated with you. Yes, it is often difficult to tap into what this inner calling is all about. Please reach out if you’d like 1-1 support to guide you in your exploration. Love, Bev
Hi Bev, Thank you for this beautiful post. Everything you said resonates with me. It has been almost two years now, the soul keeps crying and wanting God. Everything else seems meaningless. I don’t want to do anything other than spiritual practices, but all the other mundane things do not leave any time. How do you suggest dealing with this? It seems that there is a deeper purpose of life, or somehow the direction of life needs to change but not sure how. Quitting the job does not seem to be a rational decision…. then how to nourish the soul? My life before this awakening was very peaceful and content….. but this process has taken away all the happiness. Even though the mind does understand that this is supposed to turn into a beautiful journey… but the yearning is only making it painful. How to hear the voice of the soul and connect to the inner self?
Hi Mai- Thank you so very much for sharing so beautifully with us. I hear how this process has left you in a place that is difficult to be. I’ve been there too as have many others in our community. You ask such an important question, “How to hear the voice of the soul and connect to the inner self?” Being able to discern this voice and follow with courage what you hear, will lead you to a place of deeper happiness and meaning. If you need support and guidance to connect with your inner voice, please reach out through my personal email: [email protected]. Much love to you, Bev
Hello Mam… I’m a girl of 17years old who has facing this situation ..I just wanted to leave the place where I am at now ..myself eagerly waiting to move to a new place…the reason may be my importance and talent and hardwork has been stuffed worstly ..but my soul is just demanding that it’s high time u have to rise now…just move from here as soon as possible….like wise it is just giving me the thoughts every time…..what I have to do now?.. hope I get a reply from you as soon as possible…
Thank you for sharing the ways in which your soul is seeking expression through you. You asked a very meaningful question- “what I have to do now?” Our inner wisdom knows what is meant for us and I have a sense that this is true for you. What we often find, though is that following the inner call and messages has practical implications such as what you highlighted about moving to a new place. For this reason, listening to our inner guidance poses challenges. If you’re seeking more personal support, please feel free to send me an email. Much love for your journey!
Hello Prasuna.I saw your comment .Bev janisch gave you excellent reply.My condition and my situation also same.I moved to different places where our hard work and our talent recognise but everywhere same situation I faced.Thank you.
Hi Gopi- thank you for sharing!!!
Morning 8am I was in a deep think today,and i literally felt my soul talking to me,i got shocked as if someone was calling me….and i googled for it …..i found your article , i loved it
Wow, what a beautiful sign you received. I’m so grateful to hear that you listened to your inner voice and it guided you to the message that you were meant to receive. Thank you for sharing that!!
Thank you, i have been on this same path for two years. Loving the process. Nice article and stay blessed. Thank you
Hi John, thanks for your comment. What a gift that you’re on the path and loving the process!
Self awakening. A lot of confusion. But can’t understand what my soul actually want me to do. Various wish cannot be fulfilled in one life time.
Hello Bev! Thank you so much for speaking out! it’s helped me already in 15 mins of reading & listening!! I don’t feel so weird like I want to hide under a rock or that I don’t belong here right now. My Soul is trying to speak to me, it becomes more & more clear each day but I still haven’t figured out what I’m supposed to be doing. It’s driving me crazy. I’m up all night writing ideas, what could it be! I have ADHD, It’s challenging for me to be still. I question myself when I’m being quiet… is this me being in my head going off what I really want or is this my true inner-self responding? I’ve been practicing mindfulness reading the Bible, devotional, being present & less judgement with myself & others. I’m in the middle of four large decisions in life…
I have an almost 3 year old, a furniture business & I’m expecting! It’s all very exciting but happened so fast. I’m moving homes & placing my business on hold for a year that way I don’t make a quick choice out of excitement to do something else. I Plan on going to the drawing board. My mom passed away in December. She was my go to for everything. Ever since she’s been gone, I’ve questioned every single decision. I’ve felt empty, not only because she’s gone, I’d rather be doing what I love (talking deeply about my visions & how we are as people) rather than talking to a friend about surface level stuff. I want to share my story but I’m afraid of feeling vurniable. I’m beginning to realize to let go of my past failures & fear & put my trust in God. I have a tough time trusting. Life is so short & non of this matters when we get to heaven. So why not be all of me?! It’s so much easier said than done. A work in progress!! I have to be ok with the unknown which is very very tough for me. I do like to be I’m control and bossy but a nice bossy! I have a novel to type out but thats it for now! I would love and appreciate some guidance or helpful ways to continue to move forward In a positive light! Thank you for taking the time to read my novel! <3 Courtleigh Hope
Hi Courtleigh! I’m SO glad to hear that the post has been helpful and normalized your experience for you. It’s such a powerful insight that you realize that your soul is trying to get your attention right now and that you are creating space for that in the midst of your very busy life. I can really resonate with a great deal of what you have shared. I’ll reach out via email with a more personal message in response to your request for guidance. Much love on your journey! Bev
After reading this, I can say that my soul is not taking to me at this time,because in lockdown, I usually spend time with me.
But it used to happen with me.
Thanku for this beautiful article.
It sounds like “lockdown” created an opportunity for you to connect with your soul. What a gift! Thank you for sharing that!
I’m not a woman and this article resignate with me 100%
All our lifes we were taught what’s wrong from right yet we always do the wrong in most case, that’s who me are I presume, just like any animal that defending itself, a controlled system that is corrupt, therefore corrupt we also, because we were born perfect.
This awakening feels so powerful I dont know how to handle it on my own, and no one around me seem to understand what’s going on.
Hello. Hamal: The awakening is awakened to who you are not. First, there would be confusion then layer by layer, the illusion came off as the old belief dissolved one by one. .And then you will see the “other people” around you is all you, perceived by the ego mind as separate from you. Everyone has a unique path to self-realization. Cheers to your unleaning.
Hi Hamal- thanks so much for sharing that this post resonates with you as well! Yes, awakening feels very powerful for some and can be difficult when people around you don’t seem to understand. You are definitely not alone!
Hi thank you for sharing such a beautiful process of speaking with self soul.
Very informatic and useful tips
I’m SO glad you found the tips useful! Much love, Bev
This is like i am seeking something. Its been 3 years and i couldn’t find that. I don’t know anything about it but still i feels i am in a journey to finding inner world inside peace.. Hope one day i will able to find.
Samreen, thanks for sharing your insights with us! Yes, the journey to connect with inner peace is often challenging. In my experience, when we create the environment inside of us that invites healing and connection, the inner peace finds us. I hope some blogs on this site support you on this journey and that inner peace finds you.
[…] looking for another way. Or perhaps, as I shared in my previous posts about soul hunger and our souls speaking to us, my soul was looking to be fed and no amount of material stuff was going to alleviate that […]
Wow! In’Lakech. EYE See You! Sis, your words are gifting a lot of souls, such as mine, with the essence which lets us know we are not alone in this spiritual labyrinth of chaos and beauty. Thank you for being the light.
Hi Shirah,
I hadn’t heard of “In’Lakech” before and so I looked it up. So beautiful! Thank you for sharing that and for your thoughtful comment. It means a lot to me to hear from others on the journey reminding me that we are all connected! Much love, Bev
Thank you so much for this excellent article Bev! I have noticed all of this happening in myself and women around me. I’m thankful to have a teacher like you who is leading us on this beautiful path.
Donna, thank you for your thoughtful comment. It truly is a beautiful path, although I have to admit that when I started on this path it was quite confusing to me. I’m so grateful to have others like you to journey with!!
I feel I am on a journey to reconnect with my soul. However, I just have thus feeling that something is holding me back and I just can’t ‘let go’. I would really appreciate some advice on how to do this as I have no-one on this level to talk to about this. Thank you.
Hi Sue! That’s exciting that you’re on a journey to reconnect with your soul. You’re not alone in terms of feeling that something is holding you back as it can be challenging to “let go” as you say. I’d be delighted to support you. I’ll be in touch through a personal message. Thanks so much for leaving a comment!
Something is going on with me and it has a resemblance of all this beautiful information, what do I do
Hi there! In response to your question, What do I do? I’m working on my next blog which answers your question. I hope you’ll find it helpful!
Hi bev thank you for this . Right now i can feel my soul . It feels so weird like i can feel it separating from my body? Also my heart feels heavy .
Hi Jen,
You’re SO welcome! I’ve found it helpful to bring a compassionate curiosity to what I’m noticing in my body and heart. There’s a lot of wisdom there! Love, Bev
Thanks for this information Bev.
I want to change my life style… It’s an inner calling.
I see 9:11 or 11:11 every day/night.
There’s so much to learn. But again thanks you put it in easy to understand words for someone like myself who is a early school leaver.
Again thanks.
Will take my time but don’t wanna rush this because it’s a healing journey path.
Hi Michael,
Thanks so very much for sharing with us here. I love hearing how you’re receiving messages by way of repeating numbers. Such an encouraging sign that you’re on the right path. It’s very true that there’s so much to learn. It seems that the more I learn, the more humble I become. It’s inspiring to hear that you’re taking your time and being patient with the journey. That’s a great reminder for many of us! Much love, Bev
Hello Bev,
First, thank you for your time.
In the summer of ’22, at 52 years old, something fairly bizarre happened to me. I began to have the ability to gain information from the future. There was about a two week period where I was filled with positivity and love. There was no cause other than I had finished reading a book called Real Magic by Dean Radin. I had also just gotten back into listening to some favorite bands and music I loved in the 80’s as a kid. Tears for Fears especially. During this two week period, I could think of a question and almost as soon as I formed the question, the answer would come. And when it did, there was no doubt whether it was true or not, I knew. If I was tired or not clear of mind it didn’t work. But when I was filled with love and clear of mind it did work.
Later that summer and until now it’s been harder to do it. I still can some but it’s not as easy. I think it’s because I’m now stressed from life.
I am wondering if that was my soul trying to awaken me. I got busy with life since then and haven’t forgotten it, but I didn’t follow through much because at the time I didn’t think it was something bigger.
I want to reawaken this if it was my soul. Not necessarily to do magic, but to find that connection, that love. I’m having trouble understanding when my thoughts are me and my ego, or when it’s my soul. I want so much to get to know my soul and find what it needs. Am I my soul now? Do I just have to listen closer? When are we the human shell, and when are we the soul?
I guess I’m having trouble understanding how to unbox that. How to BE my soul. How to know.
Thanks for anything you can say. Lol
Hi Kenny,
It was inspiring to hear how reading a book shifted things inside of you and you connected with what some people call your true nature. Thanks for sharing the name of the book, in case others are curious!
You also made an important observation and that is when we’re stressed and in “survival” mode our ability to connect with higher states of consciousness are more limited. It’s one of the many reasons that we are often called to have daily spiritual practices, like meditation and mindfulness. Do you have a regular practice?
You’ve asked some powerful questions and ones I also ask myself. I use the Enneagram map of conciousness that helps me to understand my ego structure and also provides a map for finding my way home to my true self. It’s not so much about listening closer, rather it’s around creating space for stillness in our lives and then getting curious about what arises.
This feeling of love you described during that 2 week period is a quality of your soul. These soul qualities naturally arise when we remove the barriers that keep us disconnected from our true nature. Continue with your wonderful curiouslity and the answers will slowly arise. Love, Bev.