The Call Of Your Soul Hunger: 10 Signs Your Soul Is Speaking To You.

Throughout history, wisdom teachings and mystics have emphasized that the soul embodies our true essence and holds the blueprint for who we’re meant to become.

This hunger and need to become the best version of ourselves and fulfill our potential gets lost in today’s fast-paced world. If you are feeling lost, confused or stuck, you are not alone! You can see from the comments below that many of us can relate..

It’s become our new normal to feel stressed and disconnected and have a sense that something vital is missing. This inner unrest, which I call “soul hunger,” arises when our lives have drifted too far away from our soul’s intended path.

Modern society often distracts us from connecting with the deepest parts of ourselves—our souls. The energy of our future potential and possibility.

We may find ourselves striving for success or approval based on external standards, only to realize that these achievements don’t bring authentic happiness. This misalignment leads to disconnection stress, a type of hidden tension that drains our vitality and impacts our well-being.

While this inner turmoil can be uncomfortable, it catalyzes transformation where we let go of who we were conditioned to be to embrace who we were born to become.

By consciously navigating this journey with soul hunger, we can shift from our conditioned selves to our true selves, leading to greater health, happiness and fulfillment. As Nancy Seifer and Martin Vieweg explain in the book When The Soul Awakens:

Awakening occurs- in one incarnation or another- when the individual soul becomes satiated with material living and feels compelled, by a deep inner urge, to discover the truth that lies behind the outer world of appearances (p. 5).

In essence, even when we possess everything that should make us happy, we may still yearn for something more profound. This longing signals that the values we’ve inherited might not align with our true selves.

Clients often describe feeling torn between who they think they should be and who they’re meant to be. Some feel they’ve lost themselves in their roles, unsure of their true identity. Others sense an urgent need for change but are uncertain about what’s not working or how to address it.

This internal shift is a call from the soul, and when we respond to this call it leads to thriving, while ignoring it can adversely affect our physical and emotional health.

The soul is always weighing in and provides subtle clues about whether we’re living in alignment with our deeper truths. As Jungian analyst James Hollis noted:

As a Jungian analyst, James Hollis said,

If there is such a thing as a soul, then it is the soul that ultimately tips the balance toward change, towards a more authentic stance in the world.

The Call of Your Soul – Are You Listening?

Your soul doesn’t communicate through words—it speaks through longing, discomfort, and a deep inner knowing that something needs to change. These signs often start subtly, but over time, they grow louder until they can no longer be ignored.

If you’ve been feeling restless, uncertain, or disconnected, your soul may be sending you a wake-up call. Here are 10 ways it might be trying to get your attention:

1. Persistent Dissatisfaction – Material possessions and achievements no longer bring fulfillment; something essential feels missing.

2. Desire to Serve – A deep urge emerges to contribute to something greater than oneself.

3. Creative Expression – An internal drive pushes you to express something profound from within, even if its nature is unclear.

4. Disconnection from Joy – Activities and relationships that once brought joy now feel unfulfilling.

5. Feeling Lost – A sense of being lost or stuck arises, accompanied by confusion about one’s path.

6. Physical or Emotional Symptoms – Unexplained health issues or emotional distress surface without a clear cause.

7. Craving Solitude – A strong desire for solitude or reflection becomes prevalent.

8. Heightened Sensitivity – Increased sensitivity to environments, emotions, or energies is experienced.

9. Shedding Old Identities – An urge to release outdated roles or beliefs that no longer serve personal growth.

10. Seeking Deeper Meaning – A pull towards spiritual or philosophical exploration to understand life’s deeper purpose.

In the blog Soul Hunger: The Silent Epidemic of the 21st Century, I explain why soul hunger is increasingly common and some practical things that may help.

Ready to Reconnect with Your Soul’s Calling?

I know from personal experience that living with greater vitality, connection, and purpose is possible.

If you need personal support, a roadmap and some tools, I’m here to help! Please reach out to schedule a free consultation to see if 1-1 coaching is a fit. I’d love to hear your story!

Bev Janisch holding her book, Awakening a Woman's Soul

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