What Is The Purpose Of The Dark Night Of The Soul?

The Dark Night of the Soul (DNOS) represents a profound period of transition and awakening. It is a psychological and spiritual call to shed the conditioned self that no longer serves us, making way for a new, more aligned way of being.

The Experience of the Dark Night of The Soul

The DNOS is often accompanied by stress, confusion, and a deep sense of loss. Many feel as though the foundation of their lives has been pulled out from under them, leaving them in a void where their previous ways of understanding themselves and the world no longer fit. This transition can feel like an emotional and spiritual freefall, leading us to question everything we once believed to be true.

The phrase “dark night of the soul” was first used by John of the Cross, a Spanish mystic and poet from the 16th century. It has since become a metaphor for the spiritual process of transformation. Dr. Zinia Pritchard, a Contemplative Practice Theologian, beautifully described the DNOS as

a spiritual process where the seed of life is buried within the soil of suffering.

Nature operates with divine timing, and so does the DNOS. It unfolds when the time is right, often when we are ready to transition into a new way of navigating life. Those who experience the DNOS are often “old souls,” called to leave behind ego-driven ways of living and embrace a path guided by the soul.

This journey requires healing and integrating our pasts, creating peace in the present, and aligning our lives with our soul’s wisdom rather than our ego-driven personalities.

Ultimately, it is about coming into right relationship with both our personality and soul, allowing the personality to become an instrument for the soul’s expression.

The Liminal Space

During the DNOS, we find ourselves in a liminal space—caught between no longer and not yet. The old self feels distant and irrelevant, while the new self has not yet fully emerged. Gerald G. May, a psychiatrist and spiritual counselor, described this beautifully in The Dark Night of the Soul: A Psychiatrist Explores the Connection Between Darkness and Spiritual Growth:

There are moments of dawning awareness, little cracks in our armor that reveal glimpses of our deeper longing and true nature. Things that gave us pleasure in the past may now seem empty.”

A soul orchestrated intervention

The DNOS is an intervention orchestrated by the soul, a way of signaling that it is time to reconnect with our true selves. It occurs when we have drifted too far from our authentic nature, living lives dictated by conditioned expectations rather than the truth of who we are. It challenges us to let go of who we think we should be and instead embrace who we are meant to be.

For me, this process began with a deep sense of emptiness, despite living a life many would consider ideal. It felt as though I had retreated into a cocoon, shedding the conditioned layers that had been suffocating my soul.

This painful yet transformative process redirected my energy inward, opening me to my inner wisdom and the soul’s guidance.

A Rebirth

The DNOS is ultimately about rebirth—letting go of the old self and stepping into alignment with our soul’s truth. As James Hollis, Ph.D., wrote in Living an Examined Life: Wisdom for the Second Half of the Journey:

There is no going forward without a death of some kind: a death of who we thought we were and were supposed to be; a death of a map of the world we thought worthy of our trust and investment… But life has other plans; indeed, our own souls have other plans.

As we emerge from the DNOS, our lives take on greater depth and authenticity. The personality no longer eclipses the soul but becomes a vessel for its expression. This alignment allows us to live with meaning, connection, and purpose.

Moving Forward

If you’re experiencing the dark night of the soul, know that you don’t have to walk this path alone. As someone who understands both the challenges and the transformative potential of this journey, I offer compassionate guidance that honors where you are while supporting where you’re called to go. To explore working together, I invite you to schedule a complimentary consultation.

In the following interview, I speak with Dr. Angela Grace, a registered psychologist and holistic healer, about integrating spirituality and psychology and her journey through the dark night of the soul.

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(Original post, May 25, 2020; Updated post, Sept. 28, 2021)