Unveiling Soul Hunger: Exploring The Link To Awakening.

2024-04-02T21:29:20-06:00December 3rd, 2020|

Unveiling Soul Hunger: Exploring The Link To Awakening.

Inside each of us is the energy of our soul that is forever wanting and needing to be expressed through us.

There’s a deeper, evolving part of ourselves that knows we’re here for a reason, and we’re meant to live in alignment with this more profound truth.

There’s a spiritual impulse, an energy to let go of our conditioned selves and evolve into our true selves.

Ignoring this spiritual awakening impulse often feels like a gap between who we are, how we live our lives, and who we’re meant to become.

I’ve heard it described as a feeling of being “two-faced” –  who we are on the inside does not match how we live on the outside.

Over time we begin to feel like something inside of us is starving, not in the physical sense, but in a spiritual sense.

This sense that something may be missing amid an abundant life may subside for short periods when we’ve distracted ourselves with something exciting.

At some point, however, we realize that no distraction will alleviate the inner longings. I explore this further in Soul Hunger: The Silent Epidemic Of The 21st. Century.

Our soul is hungry, but not for more things or distractions; it’s craving a new way of being.

The summons to become more

Our souls are summoning us to become more and not to have or do more. I explore this further in the post, The Call of Your Soul: 10 Signs Your Soul is Speaking to You.

This is becoming more isn’t the same as what our conditioned self or ego might have us think: you’re never good enough. You must become more famous, rich, educated, deserving, respected, beautiful, or just plain more.

The becoming that the soul invites us to evolve into is about becoming more of our authentic selves and who we are at the core of our being.

Soul hunger is summoning us to become more grounded as spiritual beings having a human experience. And with that awareness, we move forward, making decisions that align with our most profound truths.

It sounds simple enough, but the truth is it’s not simple. It’s not simple or easy because we often must go against the grain to honour our souls.

The two forces within each of us

We all have a force within us that is powered by our personality, societal and familial conditioning.

This creates a powerful, energetic pull to fit in and not rock the boat.

The Soul's Journey and Soul Hunger.But, an even more powerful force arises from the soul and the impulse to grow, evolve and transform into a full expression of who we’re meant to become.

One of the critical needs of the soul is to be known and acknowledged. The soul asks one thing of us:  To be aware of and make decisions that are in alignment with our soul’s unique blueprint.

The challenge for many of us is that we often define ourselves by things external to us. We live our lives based on other people’s values, needs, and expectations rather than the needs of our souls.

People often tell me that they have no idea who they are anymore. Many of us have been defined by our roles as parents, spouses, partners, children, employees, etc.

The problem is that we have no idea who we are when our roles change, which they always will. If we define ourselves by someone or something external, we will experience soul hunger.

You see, what happens for all of us is that we are pulled between our souls and our subconscious beliefs arising from our conditioning, culture, and society in general.

Triggers that cause the symptoms of soul hunger

If your soul needs you to be creative and free to thrive, even if that means you won’t make a lot of money and you have a subconscious belief that you’ll never be happy unless you have a specific type of job or make a certain amount of money—you’ll feel soul hunger.

If your soul needs to be in a relationship with someone growing, evolving, and stepping more fully into who they’re meant to become, but your subconscious leads you to be in a relationship for security and comfort—you’ll feel soul hunger.

If your soul needs to be forgiving, compassionate, and grateful, and your subconscious has you feeling angry, resentful, and victimized—you’ll feel soul hunger.

If your soul needs you to embrace and honour all your feelings, and your subconscious belief gives you the message that you’re just meant to be happy and positive all the time—you’ll feel soul hunger.

If your soul needs you to accept life as it is, and society or conditioning has you believing that you need to be in control of everything and how life turns out—you’ll feel soul hunger.

Soul hunger is a wake-up call that we’re not fulfilling our potential and our life is out of alignment. It requires that we create space in our lives to look within and listen to the deeper truths of our souls.

Soul hunger is a silent wake-up call that may manifest as physical or emotional health issues, relationship struggles, and jobs that feel like they’re draining our life force energy. In the post, Is This Depression Or Signs Of A Spiritual Awakening? I share a new perspective on depression and our need to broaden our perspective about what it means.

Our souls invite us on the spiritual awakening journey to cultivate new relationships with ourselves, others, and life’s mysteries. Entering this new way of being leads to a life with a deeper sense of vitality, meaningful relationships, and purpose.

To do this, the soul needs us to live from the inside out, not the outside in.

We flourish fully when honouring our souls by growing in love, compassion, and wisdom. We feel free to be who we were born to become!

If you feel called, please leave a comment below. Our community would love to hear from you!

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About the Author:

Bev Janisch is a former nurse turned certified meditation teacher and mindfulness-based life coach who inspires awakening souls to shift from feeling stressed and disconnected to peacefully empowered with lives that feel good to their souls. Bev's one-on-one signature program, Ignite Your Spark, offers an embodied body, mind and soul approach for awakening vibrant health, connected relationships and a sense of purpose. Bev is the author of Awakening a Woman’s Soul: The Power of Meditation and Mindfulness to Transform Your Life.


  1. Millie Evans February 2, 2021 at 11:28 am - Reply

    Thank you. The past year I’ve been battling between my conditioning and my authentic self. This puts into words the consistent battle and helps frame, illustrate and validate why I’ve had such conflicting emotions. My company put me through a project which was too much for one person and didn’t listen to me when I was expressing my dire need for support and resources, it affected my physical and emotional wellbeing drastically. My conditioning told me to see the bigger picture and understand how and why it happened, to forgive and continue onto the next thing. But Bev, I was so angry. My spark died. My conditioning told me to ignore the pain and anger. Your website is really helping; thank you again.

    • Bev Janisch February 2, 2021 at 2:10 pm - Reply

      Hi Millie – Thank you so much for sharing some really powerful insights with us. It is such a gift to your soul that you’re seeing the deeper meaning and reasons why your “spark died.” Realizing your pain and anger is a source of wisdom arising from your deeper ways of knowing is so empowering! So often, we try and get rid of the “symptoms” without realizing there is a deeper message/lesson for us. It’s also so helpful to others that you shared vulnerably about the impact this had on your physical and emotional wellbeing. I have a sense that things are coming into beautiful alignment in your life. Much love to you, Bev.

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