The Reason We Get Stuck When Seeking A Meaningful Life

From birth until death, we have a life force energy that flows through us and animates our physical body. This spiritual energy is forever seeking expression through us.

This life force energy propels us to grow and evolve like our nails continually grow. As Wayne Dyer said when I heard him at a live event just before he died, “You cannot stop your nails from growing. You can tell them to ‘stop,’ but of course, they won’t.”

This same energy fuels us to create and express ourselves using our personality to bring our souls’ purpose into physical manifestation.

We all create meaning differently depending on what our soul needs to evolve.

As long as we live in alignment with what our soul needs and make decisions that align with our inner wisdom, we will feel we are flourishing. Our life force energy will flow! We’ll feel a sense of vitality and feel comfortable in our skin.

If we stifle or constrict our life force energy or let outer influences determine how we live or what should be meaningful, we experience inner turmoil.

This inner turmoil is often a symptom of a block in our life force energy and a stuckness in creating meaning.

For me, this blocked energy felt like what I called soul hunger. My soul was hungry for me to live a more meaningful life, so it withdrew energy from how I lived. Soul hunger was a gift because it awakened me to a deeper connection with my soul. With this sense of blocked energy or soul hunger, it’s helpful to ask, What If Depression Is A Summons From The Soul For Awakening?

Just as our nails grow, our sense of what brings meaning to our lives is also meant to grow and evolve.

Let me give you a couple of examples:

Parents derive significant meaning from raising their children. They have a channel for their life force energy: their children. The children grow up and leave home. Where do they channel their energy now? How do they create meaning? They are stuck because they don’t know how to create meaning in this new season of their life!

There is the business person who puts all their time and energy into being successful and making money to be financially secure. The majority of their life force energy is focused on achieving this. After many years, they reach their goal. Now, where do they channel their energy? How do they create a meaningful life? They are stuck because they don’t know how to create meaning in the new season of their life!

What happens when we are stuck?

Feeling stuck is often a powerful sign and an invitation to live differently.

It’s the universe tapping us on the shoulder and saying, “It’s time to grow, and that means letting go of your existing way of being so that you can usher in a new way.”

Parents who have put their energy into their children are now meant to channel it somewhere else, requiring them to create meaning in a new way.

Businesspeople who have achieved financial security are now meant to channel their energy into other meaningful activities.

Many people get stuck because they can’t envision what this new life is supposed to look like.

But feeling stuck is not the problem. The problem is that we don’t know how to get unstuck, so this life force energy meant to flow is blocked!

Living with blocked life force energy is uncomfortable and impacts our physical, emotional, and spiritual health.

Challenges in creating a meaningful life.

Although there are many reasons why we get stuck, one of the biggest ones is that the masculine way of creating meaning only works to a certain point.

The masculine way of creating meaning comes from the perspective that we must figure it all out before starting. We need to set the goal and then clearly define the path.

We press ourselves to know what gives us meaning. When we know it, we can create it.

For example, when I was 18, I knew I wanted to be a nurse. When I was five, I had a mystical experience that planted the seed of nursing in me. It was part of my soul’s plan for me to be a nurse. With that in mind, I had a clear vision of the steps I needed to take to get there. After four years at university, I achieved my goal. The masculine way of creating meaning worked because I knew nursing would be meaningful.The biggest reason we get stuck when seaking a meaningful life.

The feminine way of creating meaning comes from a completely different perspective. The feminine way of creating is a creative process of moving forward without having it all figured out. It is a process that flows from our inner world and manifests in our outer world.

It is a journey of following the breadcrumbs and course-correcting based on our inner guidance. It is not linear and feels like a journey into the unknown without a map or final destination.

I have also become familiar with this way of creating meaning in my life. It is entirely different from when I had it all figured out and wanted to be a nurse. These past years have been a meandering journey of trial and error.

I have been living the feminine way of creating because that has been required to uncover what feels deeply meaningful during this season.

The challenge for many of us is that society values the masculine way of creating over the feminine way of creating.

We know the masculine way and often don’t even see another way.

So, when our soul has saturated itself with the masculine way of creating and needs us to grow and explore the feminine way of creating, it is the road less travelled.

It’s a journey into the unknown that feels uncomfortable because we don’t have it all figured out. And, when we’re being perfectly honest, we don’t like the unknown or discomfort!

Although there is a lot of uncertainty, one thing I know for sure is that the road less travelled is a deeply meaningful adventure.

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Bev Janisch holding her book, Awakening a Woman's Soul

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